The difference between a successful published author and someone who just dawdles on the fringes of success #pubtips
Writer’s Digest 21st Annual Self-Published Book Awards
Whether you’re a professional writer, a part-time freelancer, or a writing enthusiast who took the leap and published your own book, this competition is for you! The Writer’s Digest 21st Annual Self-Published Book Awards early submissions by April 1, 2013.
Tips About Printing and Binding
Printing can be very confusing to a self-publishing author. In most cases authors only require a digital e-book and print-on-demand book. But in special circumstances, such as a seminar, or training workshop, another binding option may be a better choice.
Self-Publishing: Print on Demand versus Offset Printing
There are POD publishers who will publish anything that is submitted and publish it exactly as it is presented providing minimal or no editing, thus making the author responsible for what the finished product looks like.
Top 5 Tips for the Self-Publishing Author
Venturing into the self-publishing world can be confusing and frightening for many writers. With the sigma associated with self-publishing fading, the door is open wide for anyone to publish. Yet, few will be successful.
Self Publishing and its Surprisingly Honorable History
One of the more enjoyable facets of taking on a writing assignment like this one for Suzanne is the discovery of one’s prejudices and errors in thought. I have now joined the list of self-publishing authors include many esteemed authors including Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Jane Austen, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Edgar Allen Poe.
Ebook Formatting Kit 3.0
Ebook Formatting Kit includes a step-by-step guide, step-by-step videos, pre-made ebook templates, pre-made CSS PLUS LIfetime updates. Plus, code and templates for advanced formatting such as non-fiction endnotes and poetry.