Every once and a while, you get that idea that makes you stop and say, “WOW!” And you need to get it down, otherwise it’ll disappear, no matter how good the idea. Good ideas can hit you at any time. Ideas may quickly develop into a detailed storyline or just a shell of an idea. […]
Using a Story Generator for writers block
Writing and Story Generators are a great tool for the young author. They help get the mind flowing and generate ideas to keep young authors writing.
Using the Author Page to Your Benefit
Taking advantage of the free author page for improved search engine rankings. Every author wants more readers and more sales and improving your search engine exposure is one way to achive your goals. Author Pages are offered by online retails stores such as Amazon, Goodreads and Barnes & Noble. They are easy to setup, offer a link from a popular and well-ranked site to your blog, and they are fre*e. Author Pages are a tool every writer should take advantage of.
Creating a Daily Time Schedule Routine
The difficulty of every young writer is balancing an academic and social life with a writing life. Create an achievable daily time schedule.
Free Blogs: WordPress versus Blogger
How do you decide on what blogging service to use. Spencer Brokaw offers his insights into Blogger and Wordpress, two of the top blogging platform services.
Picture This: Ways to Generate Writing Ideas…
Getting ideas for your writing can be hard, but it can also be very easy. Writing varies depending on your imagination. I think its fun to watch people at the mall; it gives me a lot of ideas for my writing. Watching and reading the news can give you tons and tons of ideas for books.