With the exception of (most) novels, which are comprised of paragraphs and chapter headings, you won’t find any ebooks with formatting identical to the print book version. In fact, even with novels, the comparison will not be exact, as the font (typeface) won’t generally be the same.
Kindle Formatting Solutions: HTML elements
Kindle Formatting: YOU CAN learn how to adjust HTML and CSS elements for a perfect ebook format
Kindle Formatting Solutions: HTML Element Syntax (tags)
Easy to understand Kindle Formatting guide on the HTML syntax (tags) used for Kindle ebook formatting for the self-publishing author. #kindleformatting
Kindle Formatting Solutions: HTML & CSS for ePublishing Authors, Intro
eBook Formatting guide to help self-publishing authors understand the basic HTML and CSS needs for Kindle formatting. #kindleformatting
Book Publishing Pros and Cons: hardback vs. paperback
Many children’s book authors who write/illustrate full color books for kids use Lightning Source for hardback book publishing and Create Space for paperback
Book Publicity: Why Authors Need to Plan Like a Publicist
AUGUST is the crunch time for print publications to offer their suggestions for gifts. In fact, most already have their selections in place: from toys to gadgets to books. As a self-publishing author, what can you do to improve your chances of getting featured in these gift guides? Planning Ahead Most retailers and retail publishers start […]
How to Improve Email Marketing Click Through Rates
Testing your Email Marketing campaigns for higher click throughs.
Book Cover Designs: Clichés, Twists and Facelifts #bookcoverdesign
Distract and Attract. The first part of your self-publishing sales start with the book cover… Are you a cliché, a twist or do you need a facelift?
Author Marketing: Maximize Google+ for your Author Brand, Part 1
As of January 2013, Google+ has grown to the second largest social network. A late comer to the Social Media Network arena (Facebook 9 years; Twitter 7 years), Google Plus has transformed into a major social network. Building your Author Brand with Google Serious about your writing career? Then Google plays an important part in […]