This is the third of my Finding Your Niche series which apply to finding an audience for your product or writing. This is the section where you find an audience for your book or product. If your product or service relates to your interests promoting actually becomes more fun than work. In fact, your enthusiasm and love of your product will be evident in your summary.
One mistake is first developing a product and then trying to find the audience. That is completely backwards. Find the demand first and then fill it. If you can solve a hurt, then your chances of success are practically guaranteed. After all, people are already looking for your product. By filling this need, you can actively focus your energies on marketing to audiences that will provide the highest sales profit.
Everyone has something to say – finding an audience to listen is an important part of a successful business. Consider all the “How-to” articles. If you can find a hurt on a subject that you are knowledgeable, then write an informative and helpful article on how to solve the problem. This promotes yourself as an expert, and will develop a fan base who will eagerly seek out your products.
To find your audience you need to understand who they are, what they expect and then satisfy their need.
Understanding your Audience
The following questions relate to evaluating your audience. If developing a tangible product you will need to promote it by writing (website, emails), so getting to know your audience and how they think is a key point to successful marketing.
Take a few moments to evaluate your potential reader audience:
- Who is my audience?
- What do I want my audience to know or believe after they read my writing?
- What format will they read my writing?
- Why will they read it?
Finding your Audience
- Visit forums and read reviews of products and books you plan to develop.
- Look for unanswered questions and what is not being provided to the customers and then provide a solution.
- Check out the blog roll links from sites similar to your niche.
- If the audience is reading a competitor’s blog, they will read yours, too (so long as you provide insightful and interesting information). Read blog comments for a potential niche.
- Visit StumbleUpon – many people hang out here for new information and content.
- Visit Social Media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, along the same niche as yours. Follow the discussions and introduce yourself.
- Interact with your audience. People love to communicate so keep the lines of communication open.
Niche Series
- Recognizing your Niche Potential
- Finding Your Niche
- Finding the Right Audience
- Research the Competition
- Meeting the Demand
- Becoming a Niche Builder