If you haven’t heard about Twitter, then you are one of the few. Twitter is one of the most popular social medias on the Internet and a powerful marketing tool.
What is Twitter?
Twitter is a message system consisting of “tweets” of 140-characters or less. Their messaging system is very similar to systems you already use: email, texting, blogging and so on. but there are a few things that make Twitter unique.
- Messages are limited to a maximum of 140-characters. That is about the same as a news headline and should carry the same punch to grab attention.
- Messages on the Twitter platform are public, just like blog posts. You don’t have to give people permission to see your tweets. This makes it easy to meet and share with people on Twitter.
- You can send and receive Twitter messages through your mobile phones, websites and even desktop programs.
What is Twitter Good For?
Twitter Marketing. Twitter is an easy way to grab attention, distribute ideas and engage in conversations. Tweets range from personal intimacy where they talk about what they are doing at the moment they are doing it. Others share opinions on products such as what they are reading, listening to, or thinking about, and often providing links to the mentioned items.
Set Up Your Free Twitter Account
Signing up for Twitter takes only a few minutes.
- Head to Twitter [ http://twitter.com ]]
- In the full name field type your ‘real name.’
- Use an email you know is active.
- Click the “Sign Up” button.
Once you click Sign up, you are presented with a page to complete your registration.
- The First Box is your name. You can modify it here if you like
- Field 2 is your email. After you sign up you will be sent a confirmation email. Make sure the email is correct before submitting.
- The third field is the password. It must be at least 6 characters long. It is best to use a combination of lowercase and cap letters and numbers.
It will indicate whether the password is confirmed as well as its strength.
- The final box is the username: the name everyone will know you by on Twitter. Use your name, if possible. The confirmation comments to the right of the screen will indicate whether the name is available or not.
Keep it simple and using the fewest letter and characters as possible. By keeping it short, this will allow people to refer to you or retweet your tweets and still without taking up too much of the 140 character limit. - Click ‘Create My Account’.
[I did not continue with the registration, as I did not want a second account, however, the process when I registered was as follows:]
Twitter will then take you through another few pages to find friends and suggest people. You don’t have to do any of this, if you do not wish, and just go directly to your profile.
More Twitter Marketing Tutorials
Over the next several weeks, I will walk you through how to add a bio image, create an effective Twitter background and how to use Twitter as a powerful marketing and promotional tool.