Free, 99 cent or…? A Kindle Select 90-day case study: improving rankings & sales using Kindle Select. You may find the results surprising.
Kindle MICRO Solutions: Creating eBook Tables using HTML & CSS (PRIMER)
An Unruly Guides Approved HOW TO Kindle Solutions PRIMER PRIMER for the Self-Publishing Author, without the fuss. Easy Copy and Paste examples – ready-to-use. Free November 9-13, 2013 Available on Amazon Step-by-Step: How to create basic tables for Kindle ebooks with CHEATSHEETS – Complete copy and paste HTML & CSS – Ready to Use Basic […]
Increase Sales with Kindle Countdown Deals (Kindle Select)
Kindle Countdown Deals is a new KDP Select benefit that allows authors to run limited-time discount promotions on their books, which can help earn more royalties and reach more readers. Customers can see the regular price and the promotional price on the book’s detail page, as well as a countdown clock telling them how much […]
Kindle Select Updated – new Manage Benefits feature
KDP Select program makes it easier to Manage your Benefits. You ncan see at a glance what promotions you have run or have scheduled for your books. IMPORTANT: You can only have one program enabled at a time. This means, if you have pre-scheduled KDP Select Free book promotion set (as shown in the above […]
Amazon Description with HTML Issues: Amazon KDP and Author Central NOT on same page
When you are angry with someone, you probably stop talking to them, right? But what if you worked for the same company and didn’t share or communicate information? Thus is the relationship between KDP and Author Central (and Create Space as well). Here’s a good (and nicer Post) on the same issue: If this […]
Sigil Epub Editor 7.4 Released – Sigil Lives!
Was pleasantly surprised this morning — Sigil ebook editor has updated to 7.4 (both mac and Windows). After a startling announcement of Sigil being on life support in September it appears the ebook editor program has gotten a new lease on life. From the Sigil Development Blog: Sigil 0.7.4 Released This is a small maintenance […]
Amazon Updates KDP and Author Central
There have been a couple changes to Amazon including Kindle cover requirements, book descriptions and sales reports. Kindle Cover In August, I noticed that Kindle required uploaded Kindle covers to be at least 1000 pixels on the long side. I recently updated my eBook Formatting and Publishing Guide, and was required to upload a properly […]
Free Barcode Generator Online Tool
Is Create Space’s barcode generator tool in violation of US requirements? The tool creates a “free” barcode without price (90000) and is inaccurately hypenating the ISBN. So What does this mean for CS authors? and what can they do to correct it?
I got this in the email today and thought Lulu’s offer was fantastic. (if legit with no strings attached). I signed up and we’ll see what happens next month. In the mean time… Every year in the month of November, hundreds of thousands of writers take the NaNoWriMo challenge – to finish a 50,000-word novel […]