Easy to setup author marketing tool – image, bio and website URLs follow your every comment. Helps to build your author brand.
Kindle Marketing: More Book Sales with this free tool
Are you selling your books Worldwide but only promoting locally? 99% of authors are losing sales with this common problem. Free Kindle Marketing Tool.
Amazon Kindle X-ray Feature: Using Shelfari, Goodreads, Wikipedia, Youtube
An out-of-the-box ebook marketing idea: Did you know that Amazon’s Kindle X-ray Feature allows the ebook reader to easily find content, chapters and locations mentioning concepts, places or ideas, as well as characters and places in your ebook. It even allows readers to explore author biographies and obtain additional background information as well as provide related content from Shelfari, Wikipedia and Youtube?
Author Marketing: Maximize Google+ for your Author Brand, Part 1
As of January 2013, Google+ has grown to the second largest social network. A late comer to the Social Media Network arena (Facebook 9 years; Twitter 7 years), Google Plus has transformed into a major social network. Building your Author Brand with Google Serious about your writing career? Then Google plays an important part in […]
10 Tips for Publishing Success #pubtips
The difference between a successful published author and someone who just dawdles on the fringes of success #pubtips
Facebook hashtag: What Clickable Search will mean for the #Author
If you thought the hashtag (#) was just for Twitter, think again. Facebook is rolling out clickable search to make it easier for users to find information.
Author Marketing : Social Media 101, Part 1
This is the first part of a series to focus on the strategy and concepts of using Social Media.