IMPORTANT! Sigil is continually updating, so if you are using the most recent version of SIGIL, then the SGF tool is located under "Edit" and is called "Insert Chapter Marker". Excerpt from my Ebook Formatting Kit 3.0; Splitting pages using Sigil … [Continue reading]
Kindle Fire Giveaway, free ebooks, and $500
Enter Now: J.A. Konrath, Scott Nicholson, J. Carson Black, Lee Goldberg, and Blake Crouch are hosting an epic Kindle giveaway beginning February 1, 2012. They are giving away 10 Kindle Fires, making 75 ebooks from … [Continue reading]
Is a PDF document good enough for E-Readers?
Most readers are under the false assumption that e-readers such as the Kindle (and the Kindle apps) handle PDF files just fine. That is only half-true. I am going to reference the Kindle, but the same is true for many other readers. The Kindle … [Continue reading]
Biggest complaints readers have about e-books
Let's see a show of hands -- How many authors would even attempt to build a website? Well, if you are self-publishing your book to epub or mobi format, then you already are. HTML is the foundation language for epub and mobi AND Internet web pages. … [Continue reading]
James Lalonde, Author of Holotar: Last Queen of the White Shamans
James Lalonde impressed me as a man that has tried almost everything. After attending university for a year abroad in Italy, he maintained a passion for the country and some of his writing is set there. He was a Gelato maker for several years. More … [Continue reading]
Time Management Tips for the Marketing Author
I can hear it already, the classic Author Whine. “I have no time for this marketing thing! When am I supposed to write my next book? It takes too long to create correct, targeted platforms, much less use them effectively. Why can’t I just write, let … [Continue reading]
Don’t let Good Ideas Slip Away
Every once and a while, you get that idea that makes you stop and say, "WOW!" And you need to get it down, otherwise it'll disappear, no matter how good the idea. Good ideas can hit you at any time. Ideas may quickly develop into a detailed … [Continue reading]