You’ve written a book, now what? One goal is to find a publisher. But while you are waiting, why not self-publish your work online? One of the easiest and inexpensive avenues of self-publishing is the ebook — specifically the EPUB and MOBI (Kindle). We offer two methods to achieve your e-publishing goal: Do it yourself or hire a professional.
Jeremy Soldevilla, Publisher, Author Christopher Matthews Publishing
Jeremy is an extremely personable and likeable person who puts the client first. He has an extensive knowledge of publishing and the publishing industry and offers this experience to all who ask. His “green” method of publishing include POD (print on demand) and e-publishing. Soldevilla’s company, Christopher Matthews Publishing, accepts fiction and non-fiction novels — both adult and YA.
Where to Self-Publish your e-Book
Authors may upload and publish their books directly to many online e-tailers, such as Amazon and B&N. However, some etailers, such as iBookstore, requires you to use a third-party distribution service.
Self-Publishing versus e-Publishing
There is a lot of confusion buzzing around about the terms Self-Publishing and Digital EBook Publishing. While Ebooks are part of a Self-Publishers’ arsenal, they are not the only weapon available to the author.
Avoiding Publishing Hazards in a Self-Publishing World
No matter the business service offered, there will always be scams and flimflam artists. Fortunately, not everyone is unethical. Unfortunately, there are many unethical publishers that prey upon the ignorant and the emotional desire for success. If planning to self-publish, do a little research first to avoid becoming disillusioned and taken. What to Look for. […]
The Future of Self-Publishing eBooks for 2011
The Changing Face of Book Sales… Book retailers are transforming as many customers go online to purchase. This move has put a lot of pressure on traditional chain stores to create revenue and profits. Similarly, digital books continue to gain market share, and are now “estimated at 8% to10% of revenue fro some major publishing”, […]