J.K. Rowling may finally allow e-books for the Harry Potter series. Not only will this be a tremendous boost for the e-book industry but could “potentially earn [the author] a further 100 million pounds” if Rowling agrees.
Kindle Giveaway a Smart Move
E-books are a billion dollar business. In fact, it is expected in 2015 e-book sales to reach $3 billion in sales. With this huge interest in ebooks, it would be smart for Amazon to give away the Kindle. Currently (March 2011) Amazon holds 47% of the ebook marketplace; Apple, though more than an e-reader (an […]
Producing Christian Literature across Multiple Platforms
One of the four largest Christian Book publishers in the country, Baker Publishing Group admits the word ‘publishing’ is changing rapidly and they worked hard in 2010 to catch up with digital demand. With the popularity of e-readers, Baker Publishing now produces new and old titles in digital format.
Childrens Book Layout Options for Kindle and EPUB
Joshua Tallent, of eBook Architects offers a great explanation of the options you have when creating a Childrens book. One of the most common questions [eBook Architechts] get is about their ability to create children’s eBooks. As the eBook market grows, and devices like the iPad and NOOKcolor become more common, parents are looking for […]
Major Bug When Importing EPUB into iTunes
There is nothing like working days in formatting your epub only to have your validated document changed when uploaded to iTunes. Thus is the tune John Walker played today in his post “Bugs” Ugly Gotcha Importing EPUB Books into iTunes.” What transpires is the never ending issues with iTunes. Walker says, “When you import an […]
Kindle 3.1 Update: In-Book Advertising, Real Page Numbers
Another features long expected is the advertising and promotion at the end of a book. Along with the ability to rate the book you will “get personalized recommendations for what to read next, and see more books by the same author.” These mini-promotions will be at the back of the book, for now.
Win a Trip to the Writers Digest Conference
For 80 years, the Annual Writer’s Digest Competition has rewarded writers for their finest work. WD continues this tradition by giving away more than $30,000 in cash and prizes! See Writer’s Digest Website for prizes, rules, judging and notification. About the Writer’s Digest Conference from January 2011 Win a trip to the Writer’s Digest Conference […]