It’s official. Barely 6 months after stating its Kindle e-books were outselling its selection of hardcovers, Amazon announced it sold more ebooks for the Kindle e-reader than paperbacks in 2010.
Kindle Singles Launched by Amazon
The Amazon Kindle Single is a new form of content that joins the ranks of books, magazines, newspapers and blogs in the Kindle store. These 30- to 90-page e-books are splitting the difference between the feature-length magazine articles and shorter books.
Ebook Trends to Watch for in 2011
We know epublishing is growing, but predicting the future of digital publishing is tough; however, the Unruly Gals have discussed the future of the ebook marketplace, and have a few predictions for 2011.
Q & A on ePublishing, Marketing and Promotion
Writers,etc invited the Unruly Gals to host a Q & A forum on Tuesday, January 25th at 9am PST (12 noom EST), for an informative session on self-publishing (e-publishing). The turn out and participation was fantastic!
Is Kindle Advertising Next on the Horizon?
The marketing world is salivating at the possibility of invading a into a new frontier – e-books. As the e-book industry grows, marketers are experimenting with ways to pitch their wares to consumers while they read–a trend that will undeniably change the face of the e-publishing industry, as we know it.
The Future of Self-Publishing eBooks for 2011
The Changing Face of Book Sales… Book retailers are transforming as many customers go online to purchase. This move has put a lot of pressure on traditional chain stores to create revenue and profits. Similarly, digital books continue to gain market share, and are now “estimated at 8% to10% of revenue fro some major publishing”, […]
Free Literary Agent / Publisher Database – Query Tracker
Wouldn’t it be great If before you query a literary agent, you could have data to inform you about the agent in question, such as Query Response Times, True Genres of Interest, Preferred Manuscript Lengths, and the Best Time to Query? Now you can with Query Tracker’s FREE database of agents and publishers.