I have been touting format once, use everywhere as a standard for formatting, and for the most part it still is true but only for the most basic of e-book layouts. Once I started working with more complicated features, such as Drop Caps or Fixed … [Continue reading]
Be A Famous Writer Childrens Writing Contest Winners announced
MrsP.com announced today the winners of the 3rd Annual National Kids’ Writing Contest. Young authors from 27 states participated in the 2011 Be a Famous Writer Contest, a nationwide creative-writing competition for children held every … [Continue reading]
Ebook Formatting Kit 3.0
VERSION 3.0 of my Ebook Formatting Kit is here! will be launching the end of January with a dramatic price increase. It is chock full of tips, guides, resources including: non-fiction, poetry and advanced CSS coding. It will also come with a pre-made … [Continue reading]
Marketing Like the Pros!
Marketing isn’t promotion … it isn’t advertising and it isn’t a big PR campaign. It’s funny how the word has taken on a plethora of meanings it really shouldn’t have. Marketing does not gain you direct sales. It doesn’t get you in the newspaper and … [Continue reading]
How to Format Poetry: Advanced Ebook Formatting
Poetry is a difficult form to layout consistently across the board. Every e-reader seems to like and dislike different aspects of HTML coding. After a lot of testing I found a process that displays sell for the Kindle, Kindle Previewer, Kindle Reader … [Continue reading]
Amazon Kindle Singles
Kindle Singles are “compelling ideas expressed at their natural length.” In other words these are writings that do not fall into the conventional space for magazine or print – typically 5,000 to 30,000 words. Essentially it is a short short story, … [Continue reading]
Writing Errors: Check the Facts, Man!
It happens to the best of us. We ALL miss errors in our writing. Some are basic misspellings, others are based on our assumption of the subject matter without double-checking. The most embarrassing error I made was misspelling my own name -- how bad … [Continue reading]