Have you ever wondered how to publish a free kindle book on Amazon? The $0 price point that was once exclusively for Publishers is now offered to anyone PLUS the option of earning money through Amazon's Lending Library. The catch? The book has to be … [Continue reading]
Sandra Balzo, Author of Triple Shot, Running on Empty
Sandra Balzo is one of my favorite writers and I was so pleased she agreed to this interview. I have to admit, when I asked it was based on her YA book Running on Empty, which I read this past summer. When her newest book Triple Shot arrived by mail, … [Continue reading]
What is a Book Platform?
I know, I know, I can almost see your faces. You’re still not so sure that you need both an Author Platform and a Book Platform. Of course, if you’re not interested in making serious book sales, you don’t need to bother with both platforms and can go … [Continue reading]
Using a Story Generator for writers block
It is very easy to get stuck writing an article, story or book. Most of the time I take a break and come back to what I was working on after I’ve received an idea, but sometimes going to a story generator can be helpful to get ideas. No, I do not … [Continue reading]
Resource Not Present in OPF error message
Troubleshooting Guide: Sigil is a fantastic Open-Source program, but deciphering the errors can be a challenge. Even when using the pre-made e-book formatting templates in our eBook Formatting Kit, errors still happen. VIDEO: Click image for … [Continue reading]
The Authors Guide to Twitter Marketing
If you haven't heard about Twitter, then you are one of the few. Twitter is one of the most popular social medias on the Internet and a powerful marketing tool. What is Twitter? Twitter is a message system consisting of "tweets" of 140-characters … [Continue reading]
Author Platform: What is it and Why do you Need it
If I’ve heard that question once, I’ve heard it a hundred times. Either an author assumes they already have an Author Platform in place, or they assume the Book Platform IS the Author Platform. Nope. A Book Platform – where you pitch and promote and … [Continue reading]